Fairfield Park continues to have only 1 active case of COVID-19 among our residents and 1 active case among our staff. All other cases have been resolved.
I also wanted to update our community on the findings from the independent laboratory tests done on the mislabeled masks in our home. You will recall that the Ministry of Labour conducted an inspection of our home after a longstanding supplier delivered masks that were mislabeled. The Ministry of Labour found Fairfield Park to be in good standing on all infection prevention and control measures including our screening practices, hand hygiene, surveillance testing, environmental cleaning, cohorting efforts, use of personal protective equipment, access to N95’s and physical distancing measures. To be extra cautious, the Ministry of Labour directed us to send the mislabeled masks for testing.
We are pleased to share that after extensive laboratory testing, the masks have been confirmed to be safe for use in long-term care homes and to have met all requirements for Level 1 Medical Face Masks as set out by Health Canada and the Province of Ontario.
These test results have been shared with all of our partners, including the Ministries of Labour and of Long-term Care, Chatham Kent Public Health, Chatham Kent Health Alliance, our internal Health and Safety Committee our staff and our union partners. We are pleased to put this unfortunate incident behind us, and we remain committed to providing a safe and rewarding workplace for our staff and a safe and comforting home for our residents.
Stay strong and well,
Tracey Maxim
Administrator, Fairfield Park