Outbreak Update – February 23, 2021

Public Health has confirmed that Fairfield Park only has 1 active case of COVID-19 among our residents and 1 active case among our staff. All other cases have been resolved and we are cautiously optimistic that we will be able to put this outbreak behind us soon.

Despite this good news, we continue to do weekly testing in our home to monitor any potential spread and we remain vigilant in all ongoing infection prevention and control measures for the continued health and safety of all residents and staff.

Finally, our community has been so supportive of us during this time and, although we could never adequately express our gratitude for the kindness shown to our residents and staff, we wanted to find a way to say thank you. We could not have done any of this without our friends and neighbours and so our staff have put together the following video. From our home to yours, Thank you!

(URL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bkafnh5qxex7xue/Fairfield%20Park%20-%20Thank%20You%21%20-.mp4?dl=0)


Stay strong and well

Fairfield Park Leadership Team

Committed to the quality of life of our residents 519-627-1663